how can i chang the background to blue/white gradient ?=)
with the gradient tool!
Select the gradient tool, select your fill or make one…etc and then click and drag on the stage to add the gradient! Exeperiment on dragging in different angles etc…
ok i have that done but the tut says for it to be white and blue.
*Originally posted by Alex *
**ok i have that done but the tut says for it to be white and blue. **
the tut tells me to make the bg blue/white gradient. i dont know how to change the color of the gradient.
Select the gradient tool!
And from the gradients options you an see a …like a drop-down menu but click on the big are where the gradient is displayed!
Now the gradient editor should come up!
Choose the gradient type! It should be solid!
Now you can seea large bar where the colors are displayed!
Make one end white, and one end blue by selecting the lower pointers and choosing your color!
The upper pointers are for the opacities of the gradient! Make sure all of them are 100%
And when you’re done and you want to save the gradient define a name for the gradient and then click “NEW”!
Pretty slick new footer Syko, I like it. =)
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**cool, I have somebody to pick on, I’ve had a few drinks so don’t mind me. hah **
hey i didnt see you online all night. did u slip into a coma. anyways glad to see you came back out of it. haha:beam:
Yeah the beers were kickin in and I couldn’t hang no more, I needed sleep. hahaha =)