Almost there...Could use some help


I’ve almost completed my photography website and I’d like any comments, critiques or constructive criticisms you might have.

My AS3 knowledge is limited and I am having problems finishing up the thumbnails section, (getting the thumb to load in the appropriate image). As well a preloading issue. Therefore I am also unabashedly asking for help in these areas if anyone has a few minutes to take a look at my code.

Thanks for your time, Jason.

Looks pretty nice and its easy to view. One thing I would suggest you to add is preloading to images. Once your in a section start loading the next images in the background.

Really nice photography you have there btw.

Wedding photos… Rich people piss me off…

Anyway, needs loaders on images and why is the top margin so big? Usually Flash sites - especially photography portfolios - stick to the viewport. BTW, I think your thumbnails don’t link to the pictures or something. They aren’t working for me.

Otherwise, I like it. Can I have Nicole’s number? :wink:


I agree with your comments as outlined in my first post. I also brought the top margin up as suggested.

Thanks for looking.

the flashing effect between images is perfect, camera flashes and a new pic appears, great idea

I like it, why no handcursor in the section selection page?

there seems to be no rollover effect or mouse indication of buttons

just had a quick browse of the site and am really impressed by your site and your photo’s look amazing, the only thing that would stop me from asking for your services (if I was searching for a photographer) is that apart from the e-mail at the bottom I wouldn’t know much else about how to contact you, where your based and what your rates are like. But as a site for showing how good your photography is I’d say it was spot on.

Good point Andrew. I will add a bio page.

Thanks, Jason.