Photographers Portfolio

Hey Guys. Just completed development on this -

I didnt design it (one of our print designers did) - just coded per her specs (which were basically make the tile flip effect and make them change to the same color as button before showing section)…

i would stick some sort of preloader in because the first time i clicked every button all i got was pink squares, then after a min of clicking some showed up then more.

also an enlargement on mouseover or click would be nice, similar to the javascript some of the stockphoto sites use. (jupiter images does i think).

I agree at first I thought there were no photos to view.

evileks wrote:
I agree at first I thought there were no photos to view.

There aren’t any photos to view???
Why is there only the thumbnails?
Is that the only size the photographer wants to share his photos as?

Not sure I like the turn-around thumbnail. Seems slow and too much the same. Seems like all of them load, then one turns, then another, then another and so on.
Make the load individually if possible, so theres some randomness.

Overall pretty plain site IMHO!

yeah, i agree at plain. the initial load timelapse is to do with outro/intro timing…i will try and address that.

What about pictures? No pictures… only thumbs?

Final word: A HELL lotta work needs to be done on the whole thing!

The boxes are too edgy and made even edgier because of such a sharp shade of pink. Try to use rounded boxes if you can.

Its plane but I like it. Definitely needs a preloader like someone else said.

too edgy? I like it… those edgy boxes give it a nice clean look…

a preloader is a must… (and what whole size images are a must too…)

thanks for the feedback guys. I am going to take the following suggestions back to work next week(im on holidays - woot woot):
initial preloader(i think its more to do with the first section click thing-ill work out a code fix) - each section is average 35kb. Add Larger Image on thumb click. I too like the edgy effect. I made a black version, but the boss knocked it on the head, stating it looked like liquorice all-sorts…lol!..oh - pixeladdict, her(photographer) biz card is the same - 15 thumbs, so thats what the designer came up with for the site. If I had of designed it, she would have got something totally different. Not meaning to bag print designers, but I think it shows in this design :devious:

Hey who needs fancy graphics? her work is photography right?
Only thing i missed was speed, and man did i miss it. Oh yes and the preloader. And the larger images.

Rounded boxes would make this too iPodish if you ask me.

I Like the Pink too. I think with some transitions and preloaders(as stated above) it could be really cool. Keep it up. Its going down the right track. I love photo web sites!

cheers mikken/ Revo - Definetely taking all comments onboard. As a non-design guy, its refreshing to get ideas and thoughts on how to improve my work. :pleased:

cheer mikken/ Revo - Definetely taking all comments onboard. As a non-design guy, its refreshing to get ideas and thoughts on how to improve my work. :pleased: