Alpha 0% is visible at 16bit colors?

I noticed the strangest thing…

white symbols set to the ‘should be completely transparant’ alpha 0% are actually visible at 16 bit or less colors.

What is the reason for this and is there a way around this???
(apart from not using alpha levels obviously)

its always been like that and the way to get around it is to use

_visible = _alpha

and how exactly would I apply that to several symbols that need to be alpha 0%???

just include the _visible = before each setting of the alpha ie.

clip.onMouseDown = function(){
this._visible = this._alpha = 0;

so instead of setting the MC/symbol to 0% alpha, I attach this action to the symbol???

nooo, you change nothing what you have now OTHER than putting _visible = before your _alpha =

All this is doing is making visible equal to your alpha, then when alpha is 0, visible is 0 meaning you wont see the clip at all

i guess you mean that on the scene/timeline of the MC where I have those symbols that need to be alpha 0%, I have to put one action with the lines that you mentioned above???

I don’t get what you mean with 'you have to put invisible = before where you have now _alpha (since I didn’t put this code anywhere yet).

Or am I confused now :slight_smile:

oooooooooooooooo my mistake… Ididnt realize it was timeline based. In that case just take them off the timeline when they have no alpha

hmmm, but I cannot remove the symbols, since they serve as dropboxes (it is for a drag and drop timeline)?

but basically I can also set the alpha levels for these symbols (set property right), and could I then use the _visible = _alpha ???
and how would I implement this then?

thanks for your help!

I think I solved it.

on the frame in which the dropbox symbols are I put the action:

dropbox._visible = 0;
dropbox1._visible = 0;


and it seems to work (hoorah).

however, how can I alter the action, that with one line I apply to all the instances called dropbox (+1,2,3,4,5,6,7)???

thanks so much :slight_smile:

see this


woops, busted :wink:

thanks man!

I knew it from the beginning… :trout: :cool: =)