Alpha not working on a movieclip in cs3?

Hi guys - this is probably something really obvious but it’s got me a bit stumped

I have several movieclips containing a static textfield with text in using a font that I’ve already embedded for actionscript use (it has a * after it’s name). I’ve motion tweened these to move across the screen, starting at 0 alpha and becoming 100 alpha at the end of the tween (so movement and alpha tween).

The problem is that the alpha doesn’t seem to be working. I’ve replaced the type with a random shape and the alpha works again so it seems to be something to do with the embedding but I’m not sure what.

hope you can help

You don’t need to embed characters for static text fields.

In fact if you look at the properties inspector you can see clearly you can not embed characters for a static textfield.

Maybe you’re using dynamic textfields, or maybe the problem is embedding that font through AS and then using it on static textfields… or something.

Try this. Create a new fla, create a mc with static text. Animate that mc with alpha/width/whatever. It works.

yeh - i’m going to break the text apart - it’s for a cd rom so i have the bandwidth to deal with it