Dear All,
Question 1:
Hi I am new to AS3. I understand from reading various forums that if you do not embed the font in to the movie the dynamic field won’t fade with alpha. But when I try to enbed the font or setting embedFonts = true the text just disappears.
I have the text now with a tween just to show that the tween is working while the alpha is not.
This is the link to the SWF:
Link to the FLA:
In the FLA I have all the font embed try outs commented out so you can see the text
Link to the external text file:
Question 2. (not as important as question 1)Because if I can make this work I will need to do this for all the other locations on the map. Is there any generic way to do this? Otherwise the code will be very long for all these stores. Is their any better way to do this with AS3?