Am I the youngest in the forums?

I just turned 13, March 7th. Funny, today is March 17th, its my dad’s birthday.

I just turned 13, am I the youngest? :stunned:

-Mike :stunned:

yes you are.






13? Wow I got you by 7 years… Wow man…

Starting to tlak funny? lmaO… Sorry… I’ll go pass out somewhere guys… :slight_smile:

Whoa someone changed what i actually wrote. I actually put no becasue i am younger, what a douche!!!

HABHA… You daid douche… :-p

I thought it was spelled doche?

no he’s right, it’s “douche”, [size=1]ya douche…[/size]

can’t we just say “Spring Rain?”



haha, rev your avatar is that guy in species 2…

God, would u just go and die Rev, u have pissed me off like 10000 times now. U killed it.

what is your problem with me soccerstar?


hey, hey, hey, no hate in this forums. rev is your brother and perhaps your father too…

Gawd soccer… you are the onlyt one pissing people off… What’s your problem man…

You got a giant stick up yur sasss or soemthing… ho?!

I’ll tell my young sister to register and after she is registered you won’t be the youngest member :slight_smile:

im eleven. smirk smirk

I am currently enjoying the wonderful age of 4.