
Hi! I’m um… kind of new here. I am only 13 and I have already started with FLASH (well, actually I started when I was 11). I currently have Flash MX and I just wanted to say Hi!:slight_smile:

heh its a mini me. only you dont to PS and 3ds. I too am 13 so this is cool.

btw. your footer is a little too tall

I noticed! I am working on it right now!

welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:

heh mdipi yur 13? now how didn’t I know that?

Welcome to the forums TecFreak! (me is beink forteeen) =)

tecFreak: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12

go there for imformation on changing your footer.

Welcome to the board :slight_smile: Be sure to enjoy your stay as you will soon be hooked for life :slight_smile:


I just whant to say a simple word a very simple one maybe you whant to find out, I know you are reading this words that Im wrighting right now I hope you like the word here its maybe boring but you must just whant to read and read to the last word of this. This word is so simple and smove maybe you like it or maybe not but I will say it after this, justread on dont get angry on me man im your friend if you have friends then send this to the one you love and finely I just whant to say Welcome.
Welcome is my last last word that I wright right now := Welcome !

J/K ! :stuck_out_tongue:


yeah man, ppl had babies and they are STILL addicted!

Welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:

Post your details up in the sticky threads at the top of this area so we can find out more about you. :slight_smile: It’s also helpful if you want to know who <i>we</i> are. :slight_smile:

syko i thought you were older than 14

mike, i though that you where older then 13


lol nah. 14 at the end o’ september! so less than 3 yrs till i can drive!

less then 2 months till i get my licence. :slight_smile:

well i can drive, just not a car =)

Cool. Welcome to the forums. As for my age, i turn 15 in august. nice to see some other youngans around here.:slight_smile:

Youngins ROCK!

*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**Youngins ROCK! **


hey welcome i am __:trout:

Welcome, I still beat everyone, I am only 9!