And i tought 2advanced was cool

yeah maybe sometime. :sure:

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

maj is right on that comment:

…Impressive line art, but a tad disgusting…

sheep, why did you remove your website link? it was there a minute ago…

:dont forget i could bring it all down at any moment: :stuck_out_tongue:

D7 was a good Nirvana song… of course, thats none of my bz hehe C:-)

btw, on that site, specifically here:
how can i do a similar effect ( (-: yes, i know, this is not the section for this kind of questions, but… how can i make that cool shocking effect on the text when you roll over the big ball???)


Quick eyes i see…

well it is none of your BZ, but the reason its gone is because i didnt realise by posting that lineart i would be attracting attention to my other designs…

d7 is a great nirvana song, but we are changing our company name soon - so that site is in shambles.

if you really want to see something that we’ve done, check

its probably our best work - but we wish we had more time to work on it than we did… its still a bit rough around the edges as far as perfectionism is concerned.

represent T.O homez :whistle:

ooooh new smilies :bounce: :skull: :stunned: :trout: :love:

homez? thats what i call our gay cat

Psst - Imagination IS more important than knowledge… one of my favorite quotes.

very cool! :A+:

the only thing the bug me was the left/top alignment. I think would be best if it was center/middle, other than that: COOL =)

thank you :slight_smile:


btw, did i mentioned that i love your footer? I can´t take my eyes off of it. and… :stunned: …i… :sleep: [SIZE=1]zzZZ[/SIZE][SIZE=2]zzZZ[/SIZE][SIZE=3]zzZZ[/SIZE][SIZE=4]zzZZ[/SIZE]

I just read the interview myself, though I saw their site well before then.

Not impressed at all with their Flash work. It’s just a bunch of png animations and still renders combined for motion in Flash … no new concept at all.

Not only that, but whoever runs that 2 or 3 man studio has a serious ego issue. No real client list (no surprise) either.

I just find it sad that a lot of these small shops pop up and try to utilize a little “we’re the best” mentality without anything to back it up except a few renderings from Lightwave composited in Flash.

Cheese. Half-thumb up for the graphics, two thumbs down for the integration and usability, and all appendages down for their pointless ego trip.