How blatant a rip is this?

once again eric jordan will be seeing red

another 2 advanced

::::: AnOraK :::::

dime a dozen

At least he made his stuff himself…

I’ve seen ppl who just copy other ppl’s work right down to every pixel :-\

Only titles have been cahnged, and the content of course…

I don’t mind ppl use other ppl’s designs as inspiration, we can’t demand that every site is unique.

but THIS one REALLY looks like 2A, same color scheme even…

bah… my new “design” looks like Flux’s, I got my inspiration from him… I need a main site, it’s been empty for over 6 months now. I’m just gonna throw SOMETHING up there…

I think it’s reasonable to be inspired by something, after all, most things have been done now. But there is a limit…

of course…

the flicker/glitter effect on his “logo” was a bit too much…

but the overall layout was… ok… sorta…

except for the color scheme rip…

in general… how many truely origional sites have any of us come across. Few and far between. The sad thing of course is that some newb is going to come here in three weeks and go… “Guys… you gotta see this kick *** site!!”.

Very true.

Although this site is very nice and must have taken a lot of work. I mean - even though it’s a copy, it doesnt make it “less nice” I dont think I would have the talent to do something like that so I do respect it.

Although I agree - it’s pretty **** close to 2advanced… the colours are a little much :slight_smile:

There’s only so many different designs out there, but to basically borrow a whole layout, animation idea and a colour scheme is a bit much. I dunno.

2advanced probably don’t care anymore. They’re so well known for <i>that site</i> that anyone who sees a clone of it will know what it’s a clone of…

to be honest, as nice as the 2a website is, ive seen it way too many times…


Yeah, it was incredible the first time I saw it, but now it’s lost a lot of the appeal. Basically, once I learned Flash and worked out how they’d done it, it was sort of… boring. :slight_smile:

did 2advance bring out a new site?? hehe :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah it does look very close to 2advanced but you have to give him some credit for some of the nice work he has put into it. I agree with everyone here, that his layout it tooo much like 2advanced, but maybe he can back himself up with some nice different web designs for his clients.

A teacher told me once while studying, try not to go on the web while drawing down your concepts, even though you think your not using someones idea, the concept of their site is there in the back of your mind, and will somehow end up drawn down.


whats with module as well, first i saw it at 2advanced and now i see it everwhere. loading module ,intialising module, module complete!!!

loading module, intialising module, module complete!!!

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: … so true :-\

hahah - I gues I never noticed that before, your right, it’s everywhere!

looks around

HEY! Who stole my module!!?? is it that kid stealing all those footers??!!

*Originally posted by Soulty *
did 2advance bring out a new site?? hehe :stuck_out_tongue:
try not to go on the web while drawing down your concepts

wow, good idea, but one thing - I won’t be able to post here in Kirupa =)

Is this site not done or what? I can’t see anything except main layout (buttons; “last project”, “company pack”, “ideeas” with no content in them) :smirk:

Its still a pretty good site though. I mean, minus it unorigionality (sp?) but…you would think…if he can make a site that good (the rip off one) than he would be able to come up w/ somthing new…fresh looking…guess. not

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… just because no idea is original anymore, doesn’t mean it’s ok to rip off 2advanced.

*Originally posted by RenaissanceGirl *
**I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… just because no idea is original anymore, doesn’t mean it’s ok to rip off 2advanced. **

if your talking about my post…I never said it was OK, just that its still a good site, and w/ thier knowledge I wonder why they did’nt come up w/ anything of thier own. (pretend 2 advanced did’nt exist, you would think it was cool)

*Originally posted by mariofan *
**to be honest, as nice as the 2a website is, ive seen it way too many times…

:m: **

Same here man. I often say that I am sick of it and I think it is time they create a new site, but then I think about how I don’t want that to happen because there will be a billion people on the forum asking how to rip off all the new effects and stuff. Then there will be another million people creating ripped off versions of the site left and right.

Flash was meant to give more creativity in a site design, but apparently if it doesn’t look like 2advanced, it isn’t good :-\

Flash was meant to give more creativity in a site design, but apparently if it doesn’t look like 2advanced, it isn’t good :-\

i think i’m going to cry :*(