Angled text

i cant get mx to publish angled text (rotate text)… is it impossible??

If the text is static, you can convert it to a movieClip (F8) and do whatever you want with it like tween, rotate, apply AS, etc.

Is that what you mean?

i can get it to rotate… even when its just a static text… but when i “control>test” it… it isnt published… even when i convert it into a graphic…

If you are trying to make anything rotate in a flash movie (to my knowledge) it has to be a MovieClip. Especially with actionscript. Graphics in tweens will do strange tricks when you are editing, but with you test (Ctrl+Enter) sometimes they wont do anything at all.

If you are using a tween, make sure the purple area in your timeline has a arrow and not a dashed line. If it has a dashed line, your tween will not work.

I’m still kinda new at this too. When I first started, tweening was hard for me to figure out.

and make sure that the text field is not dynamic text…

well im not even trying to tween it…

i just want to display text at an angle…

when i rotate it… i SEE it rotate… but when i publish it… it dissapears…

ive already tried converting it into a movie and rotating after but it still dosent work…

How are you doing this - frame by frame ? and did you check as Kax suggests that your text isn’t designated as “dynamic” ?

perhaps a little more of a play by play description of what all you’ve done so far … or attatch your file for someone to see would be helpfull … it is a little obscure how you explain it now

Oh. Well, then, it could be a graphic or movieClip or whatever. When you are editing it, and you just hit Enter to play your movie in edit mode, does it work the way you want then? Or does it disappear. That text needs to remain on the timeline throught what’s being played or it will vanish from your stage.

im not even trying to animate anything… i just want a fixed angled look…

heres an fla…

when i control>test it… the text dissappears…

I’m at work for another 45min, but I will look at it when I get home if no one else does before me. Didn’t want to leave you hangin’.

ok thanks… everybody…

Ok, I don’t have flash on this box so I can’t see your file either
(I know I suggested it - in hopes someone else would look)

I’m curious… does it appear and then disappear?
how many layers do you have?
how many frames do you have and do all layers extend the same length?
…is it possible that you have your text in a frame/layer that doesn’t extend as far as all the others???


erm… i only need it in one frame… in just that single layer… its really really simple… i just have this one frame… i have some text and i want to rotate it…
when i rotate it… its appears rotated… it just dosent display when published… its just that one single frame…

oh… when i say rotate it… i dont mean make it animate… i just want to statically make it display at an angle…

and for some stupid reason… it dosent work…

i know this is really simple and its probably just my computer acting up but its really pissing me off…

WHOAAA!!! i got it to work!!!
dammit… i feel so stupid…

for some reason… it dosent work with the _sans font…
it works for any other font…

thanks for your time guys… sorry for wasting all of y’all’s time on something so elementary…

There you go! Problem solved. You never wasted my time - Dont worry! Everyone helped me when I was new, so now I try to help whenever I can.