Animated Buttons (Sorry I'm new to flash)

This is a very simple thing but I can’t get it to do what I want. I want to make a button and when your mouse rolls over it, it motion tweens up and down. The problem I have is that I can’t add more keyframes to the over state(is this even possible)???

-Please Help…THANKS

of course its possible!

just go to the ‘over’ frame.
convert everything on that frame
to a ‘movie clip’. then edit that
movie clip.

what will happen is the movie
clip will play whenever the mouse
goes over the button.

wait back up…I understand making everything into a movie clip but I don’t get the last part hehe :slight_smile:

you need to look up creating buttons with movie clips. That will solve your problems.

Also I don’t know what you mean when you say “motion tween up and down.” Do you mean move the button up and down the y axis?
