Buttons, buttons, buttons

okay, i’m nearly a complete newbie to flash, and although this site has really helped me, i’m interested in making an interface for a site.

okay. let’s say i want buttons that on mouseover would animate, then on mouse off would un-animate themselves back to the original state.

something like that of the menus on http://www.mjau-mjau.com . the pro websites :slight_smile:

now, the method’s i’ve come up with thus far have been to create a movie clip button that animates, a button that is just a transparent box for hitting area, and a tween on mouseover for the clip. is there any easier fashion to directly ease tweening or tween button animations between states?

wow, that’s the fastest my thread has moved down.

/me bumps. whoops.

oh well.

if you’re a newbie to flash actionscript, the button motion of that site may not be the first thing you want to tackle. There are several ways you can go about motion on rollover. The old way (and still viable), was to:

  1. draw something on screen.
  2. convert to graphic
  3. convert to button
  4. dbl click on button
  5. create an empty movie clip on over state of button
  6. use graphic to create a movie clip of the graphic moving,shrinking, growing, whatever.
  7. place the newly created movie inside the over frame of the button in exactly the same spot as your button.
  8. open pepsi and enjoy

A new more efficient and flexible way (pardon the simple example)



or something like that.

Good luck.

thank you so much man :slight_smile: