Hello everyone
I’m having a problem getting my animated rollOn/Off buttons (movieclips) to play when they are nested in another movieclip’s timeline.
I’m trying to build a drop down menu. On the main timeline I have a movieclip with a button inside it on frame one. When you roll over this button it plays from frame 2 to 10 which is my menu dropping out. When the menu is fully dropped it is made of further buttons (movieclips again) that fade to a different colour when rolling on, and should fade back when rolling off.
When you roll off of the menu, everything reverses back to frame 1.
Here is the script I used for the rollon and rolloff reversing, I got this from another website:
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){
this.onRollOver = function(){
rewind = false;
this.onRollOut = function(){
rewind = true;
The menu drops down when I roll over the button, but the buttons that make up the fully dropped menu won’t play their rollon/off animations (which use the exact same script). I’ve been trying to find a tutorial to fix this but my AS knowledge is very limited and I’ve been running in circles for days!
Here is my fla file.
The main Afternoon cakes button is to the right, and the white boxes to the left show how they should work. They work fine when on the main timeline, but do nothing when they are inside the movieclip.
If anyone can help, or point me to a tutorial that teaches what I’m looking for I would be very grateful!
Thanks for reading!