Hello Y’all
How do i get tweened animation (of a sliding interface) to look smooth (with actionscript or any other method). At the moment the animation looks fairly jerky and the image itself continuosuly flickers as it slides out…
Any help would be greatly appreciated…
well there are a few things to do if your animation looks jerky, try to increase the frame rate to something higher than 15 fps…
If this doesnt work it might be that the frames you are tweening are too close to each other (ie the tween happens in just a few frames) if so, trying spacing the frames on the time line…
If you still experience problems post your file we might help…
if you’re tweening, then you need to increase your frame rate and make the tween longer to compensate for the increased frame rate(otherwise the increased frame rate would make the animation go faster) i don’t know how to help with action script cuz i dont really know what you’re looking for. you’d still need to have a faster frame rate to keep it smooth (about 24 to 32)
looks like mlk got to it before me:)
Also keep in mind when you’re working with tweens, try not to tween too many objects all at once. The more objects moving at once, the more cpu intensive it is and it will look really choppy. I always try to tween 1 or 2 objects at a time then another 1 o2 after.