Animation strategy, help please

If I want to make an animated movie containing different scenes, based on a story, which flash strategy is preferable? Control the animation (movie) from the timeline? What about different scenes in flashMX? I’ve read that maybe loadMovie() is better than changing from one scene to another. One problem is that we can’t have preloading in the middle of a movie when the story and sound go on.

If for example I have a zooming on an MC in a scene, is that better to control the zooming from timeline (onEnterFrame) or use that particular MC’s onClipEvent(load) and onClipEvent(enterFrame) ?

I hope there are people here with some experience in animating who can help me.
Thanks :slight_smile:


i wouldn’t use scenes… ever. i’d make mc’s with frames sectioned off (animation 1=frames 1-20, anim. 2 = frames 21-40, etc.) that way you could just use


or whatever. i dont’ know much about animation like what you’re doing, but that’s just my thought.

Anymore help on this?


No more help on this?


I am not quite sure what you are asking? Is it better to use scenes for animation if there are several ‘scenes’ in your animation? My anwer is yes, I would never use scenes in any other case but for animation. I have done many an animated e-card and used scenes for all of them.

Does that help?


I am asking what you just answered :slight_smile:
I want just to know what people with some experience on animating with Flash, think about animation structure.
I checked your site too. You have a cool preloader animation.


Am glad I was able to help :slight_smile:

I would like to say though, that if your animation has a huge file size, then maybe you will have to load seperate SWF’s in for each scene, as people just won’t wait.

If your file size is managable for your target audience then use scenes for continuity purposes for sure. :slight_smile:

Good luck with it :slight_smile:


BTW - to all reading this post, yes I know scenes suck, but they are great for animation :link: