{} Annoyance


I have something very annoying going on in Flash. Everytime I want to type { or }, the ActionScript window simply unfocuses. It keeps doing that, so I can’t type those characters. I usually open NotePad, type them there and copy them to Flash, but isn’t there a better way to solve this ?

*Oh, right, I’m using Flash MX.

yikes, thats insane. Do you have anything else running (or even maybe Flash itself) that has SHIFT + ] as a hotkey?? If not all I can suggest is re-installing Flash :-\

Not that I know off … My key for the { bracket is ALT GR+4. I know, it might be weird for you guys. ALT 4 is close, maybe ALT GR +4 is unfocus ?

… Crap.

alt gr+4 ? Thats a weird combo for { :!: (alt brings up the file menu so it would unfocus)

sounds like a poor position to be in

I’m gonna set my keyb language to another one so I won’t have to use ALT GR anymore. Gonna see if it works then.

Ok so I set it to another language, and now I can type { by pressing SHIFT+^. I also tried alt gr+4 in this language, but it didn’t unfocus now. Then what the h€ll is going on ??

crazy languages :sure:
I stick with english so I dont know any better :slight_smile:

You can go to the shortcuts panel, and set it back to Flash 5 and it should work :slight_smile:

I don’t know if this would work while using flash, but to get to other symbols, you can hold down alt then type in numbers on the keypad of your keyboard. Alt+0123 is ‘{’ and Alt+0125 is ‘}’. Does that help?

Ilyas - Shortcuts panel ? Where ?

Freddy - That works, great idea :thumb: