Another 2A Rip

Title pretty much says it all. I bumped into this while browsing through rentacoder (thanks Nathan :)). It’s hilarious how they just ripped it all, but also a little scary seeing how easily it can be ripped.

** Site has been taken down, SWF hasn’t though:


If you’re going to rip off someone’s website, especially one as highly revelled as 2A, don’t display your address or phone number on the main page.

Hey wow. Another. :confused:

Where will they surface next?

Lol ! They really put that there !? :smiley:

They’re probably not fake either.

hehhhe way to go :thumb:

Not Found
The requested URL /flash.html was not found on this server.

Good work people =)

Lol, that was fast ! :smiley:

these people are not to smart

i saw this earlier, its not a full rip IMO. Transitions are hte same, but hte layout seems a bit different…

Are you kidding ? The entire thing is the same. They even used the same “white-rectangle-to-layout” animation …

:lol: never ends does it

It keeps us all entertained though :slight_smile:

we should not post links. just just post the links useing code tags. that way they wont find us talking about it. then 2a can sue there *** and get something out of it:)


look at this dudes site

only for rips thow:P



I love your footer :love:

Thanks :beam:

they must use tweens instead of AS for their transitions… the movie plays like crap on my machine… really bumpy, not fluid at all - and Im on a smoking connection with a kick arse comp :-/ was much better :smiley:

Interesting they closed that down so quickly, maybe they just had some guy make it and they found out whath he was up to.