ROFL! This Spanish guy ripped my site (www.ya3.has.it)! It mysteriously seems to be down at the moment :skull:, but I saved the swf and took some screenshots beforehand :wink:

Have a look:

…and the 1mb swf, if anyone’s interested: http://cinemascorestudios.com/yakub/El Rippo!.zip
sigh they could have at least ripped it properly :stuck_out_tongue:

The funny thing is, I was actually HELPiNG the guy make this site :ponder:
It started with the usual “OMG I LOVE YOUR SITE” email, then he started asking me Flash & HTML questions (the usual stuff - fullscreen, preloaders, etc). So we throw emails back & forth and talk over MSN, all the while completely oblivious that he was ripping my site. ANYWAY, one day, I sign in to MSN and he’s offline. But THEN I look at his nickname and see that he was stupid enough to put the URL of “his” site in it :huh:

So yeah, I visited it, had a good laugh, notified the host and it was taken down within minutes.

Our latest emails:

Hi Ya3!!

I did the button with the actionscript of fullscreen and it rules perfect with pop-up killer in its real direction (some like http://www.myvipcard.com.au/yakub in your case) but for make the direction shorter we use a subdomain (.tk) and when we enter in the web from this direction the fullscreen doesn’t rules and says: can’t find the web page… I don’t know why happens it… Do you have any idea to solve it???

Thanks for all!! I really like the snow of your web but… Are you in winter in Perth at christmas??


I think a solution may be to change the URL of the fullscreen.
In the HTML page, find this:
Change the “page.htm” to a FULL ADDRESS, for example:
This is should fix it, since it works without the .tk. I think the .tk
is confusing the URLs to the files.

If this doesn’t work (or you don’t understand), just send me the HTML
files and I’ll have a look.

The music doesn’t seem to be working either. Maybe you could try
removing it entirely, along with the rest of the site.

I’m disappointed in you.

I know, I know. I should’ve pwned him… but… :bored: I’m too nice to do that :+)
Come to think of it, being ripped is quite a compliment. I mean, imitation is indeed the sincerest form of flattery… and the site gets taken down anyway, so why not enjoy it while it lasts? :drool:

Sweet vengeance eh, kinda funny, a ripper being ripped.

what? and whats the reason to bring this thread up?

the same thing he said ^

Late browsing :slight_smile:

I just wasted 5 min reading a 2 yr old post, thank you.

ha, I remember this thread!

HAHAH my story is nearly as bad.
Some dude called “xb0xfreaks” is asking me to teach him how I do all my graphics, and headers and shizz for my betas and intros for my site.

Get this. It’s bad enough that about 3 seconds after I told him how to do it- he posted it up on the web on HIS site,

HE HAS THE SAME NAME! apperentely he owns www.darkmotion.nl and now what’s worse is that he is using my style on his site with the same freaking name…

look at this for example


:stuck_out_tongue: lol I didn’t even see the date- some one revived it and boom :stuck_out_tongue: I added to it hehe

INTERESTING! and bold my friend. Picasso( is accused of being a hack) says that ALL art is learned as copies of copies untill one day we create something from those we have copied that is totaly original. If these people stole something from you that’s different. It is not cool to use people, but I commend you for calling these designers out on being “original”. The best learn from learning from the best, minus a genious here and there. I like that you bring that out in the open from you doing some good work.

As far as I know Picasso ‘stole’ a few subjects from Matisse in a way that both benefited from it.


Good times, good times.

Indeed MLK great point! How did this person steal your site anyhow? With a Decompiler or something?

Hey… I remember back many years ago, I ripped some guy and I then sent him an email asking him how to get the scrollbars like he did. Then while I was at a friends house we sent each other about five emails… he was a swedish guy.

I had gone so far as to buy a domain based off his (mine was bombingpixels). That’s why I never talk about that anymore. :wink:

Shame on you :slight_smile:

Yeah… that was a long time ago, but it’ll haunt me forever.

ripping of a swede? :cantlook:
He’s probably working on the last preparations for his revenge right about now… God have mercy on your soul :3ye:

lol, yeah. Prepare to be bashed over the head with a weird-shaped IKEA coffee-table.

Oh, and yeah… while we’re on the topic, I went through the Flash-designer’s rite-of-passage quite a while ago by performing the ritual rip-off of 2Advanced. lol. I took it a little too far, and I ended up getting one of those “remove your site or we’ll take your first-born” emails from Mr Novak himself! I can laugh now, but it was absolutely stupifyingly scary at the time:hurt: