Another array prob

Here’s another problem with arrays…
I have four mc’s in a loop, when i click on any two of them they are supposed to jump into a boat,mc, this all works fine now how do I get to move just these two mcs along with the boat to a new position???
the code is something like this so far…
import com.dragslidefade.;///lee brimelows
var clips1:Array = new Array(manA, manB, manC,manD);
for (var i = 0; i<clips1.length; i++) {
.onPress = function() {
if (this._x<200) {
this._x = 250;
fwd.onPress = function() {
var s:Slide = new Slide(boat, 0);
s.moveClipTo(400, 146, 10);
Thanks for any help…