Another Mark

Lost, I think the VBbulletin is so used to you here that it doesn’t log off your name even if you’re gone for days. You’re permanently logged on for life! ahahha :stuck_out_tongue:

Rev: CONGRATS MAN!!! And thanks for saying you are glad I am here :slight_smile:

Mdipi: Could Be!!!

EG: Actually yes, I have had people IM me about 20 minutes of so after I leave the forum saying they saw me on the forum and wanted to ask me something or something along those lines. I get back on later and see the PM and wonder why the heck it still had me as viewing the forum.

Maybe I should shut my brain implant off :stuck_out_tongue:

kirupinetics!! like cybernetics except ur fused with kirupa…wait i meant not kirupa …:ub: :ub: :stuck_out_tongue:

mdipi: lost posts enough in 1 day to last a month!! he has posted enuff already to last all of `03 …i think maybe by sept,oct i will have 8000…maybe…

I only have 8046 (45.00 posts per day) :sigh:


:ub: :ub: :ub: :ub: :ub: :ub:

Oh yeah only…pshhh…:-\

It’s like he’s saying I only have 82437078340840198374 post and you only have 1. :-\

Well its as Rev said. I have that many posts because I bother to waste my time in threads that ask questions that were repeated 15 times in the 10 minutes before they posted theirs.

Cmon now lost! You know I luv ya!

You are blessed with infinite more patience than I…

I only have 8046 (45.00 posts per day)

He posted this today, on the 17th? at 1:17 PM

And in that post, his post count is +30!!

Little over three hours later i think. Thats ten per hour by my math…

Can you say, ‘Hi my name is Shane, and I’m a Kirupaholic…’

[SIZE=3]Hi Shane![/SIZE]

Ren: Luv ya too :blush:

Maj: I am 100% Kirupaholic. No one better take my Kirupahol away from me!

So do you suffer withdrawals when you’re away… even for as little as 5 minutes? Is there shaking and twitching involved?

*Originally posted by RenaissanceGirl *
**So do you suffer withdrawals when you’re away… even for as little as 5 minutes? Is there shaking and twitching involved? **

LOL, me and lost were talking about that over AIM when the forum was down a week ago or so…we couldn’t handle it.

Yeah, I suffer major withdrawal.

I seriously can’t handle not being on the forum. Sometimes when I am at home and I know I need to be doing something else NOT on the computer, I leave the forum open and do what I have to do. I just need the comfort that Kirupa Forum is waiting for me on my computer when I get done :beam:

I know I know, I am insane, but I was born this way, sorry :frowning:

You are inshane (-: but we love you still :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, yeah I get that a lot. I get inshane, and insane Shane a lot :stuck_out_tongue:


than shame shane :stuck_out_tongue:

[SIZE=1]wich I´m sure you´ll be never called of[/SIZE]

Well I got shame a lot with my name.

And Shane is a Pain.

Pretty much every word that rhymes with my name has been used. Unfortunately :frowning:



Congrats on the 8k posts lost =) That’s quite a number! I can think of about 10+ words that rhyme with Shane…yet 0 words that rhyme with Kirupa :ub:

Just wanted to make you feel better - that’s all hehe.

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL… thanks Kirupa :slight_smile:


Alright… nothing logical rhymes with your name… lucky you :stuck_out_tongue:

:wink: :ub: