5000 Posts!

Hmm, this marks my 5000th post. Not sure if it really counts though, I have beem spamming a lot lately. Especially about transexuality and bras… which is very odd for me :-\

Hmm, oh well, thanks to Mak for pointing this out to me, he really does have a good eye! :slight_smile:


Man I have a long way to go :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats bro :smirk:

Trying to catch you Lost: :stuck_out_tongue:

732 (25.82 posts per day)
5002 (39.75 posts per day)


Oh, and btw:


wtf? lol you had like 4000 last week! well congrats…lol, well will see a 6000 next week i presume? lol.

hehe @ mdipi

Actually it was exactly 11-12-2002 03:18 AM when I had 4000 posts, so it has been…

13 days, 3 hours, and 32 minutes approximately.

I am really bad at math, so if this is wrong… oh well.

well, ok, just under 2 wks lol :P.

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Actually it was exactly 11-12-2002 03:18 AM when I had 4000 posts, so it has been…

13 days, 3 hours, and 32 minutes approximately.

I am really bad at math, so if this is wrong… oh well. **

Wow, thats really cool lost!!

It is fun being a lamer =)

Post count…bah, I obviously don’t care about that by looking at my post count. As long as I have informative posts that hopefully help someone or give critique then I will feel that I am doing my Job. Everyone thinks they will be moderators because of their high post count, lol…so does that mean if I fill out more applications then all of the other people to join the 2advanced team that i will get the job. Muhahahahah, only in a sureal universe (and in my dreams :P)

By the way, I’m not refering to lost as a spammer because he is the biggest helper on this forum!

I am a major spammer…lol.

But I try and help as much as I can too, so I think that evens it out. I am not just a spammer, I am a helper as well.

At least that is how I think of it…lol.

i dont quite remember where i reminded you of your 5000th post count… half the time i’m in a state of confusion the other half i’m …ok nm i;m confused all the time :sleep:

Yip Yip Yip… you did, it can be found here…


yip yip yip…Land Before Time dinosaur saying…

you know…i should start looking at stuff now more carefully who knows what i will find!!
brings out telescope from closet and starts looking into peoples windows


Its Yup Yup Yup not Yip Yip Yip!!!

Ducky rocks! (the early land before time movies were good, now they are just broadway musicals and crap).

I wonder how much $ 5000 posts costs Kirupa for Bandwidth. J/K, I just need about 4998 posts in the next say 5 minutes to beat Lost. Anybody know of a good site to dl a script that automatically posts every 5 seconds? :slight_smile:


I know one… but I am not sharing my secret :evil:

LOL, just kidding :stuck_out_tongue: