Another Mark

What does this output?..

function A(n) {
	return ((n*200/4*7/2+((n*n)*n)+250)-1000)*(n-6);

The output will be my post count emount for this celebration.

[SIZE=1]PS: In case no one noticed, I was mocking the AS Quiz Ilyas posted earlier ;)[/SIZE]

8k…goodness…:!: Congrats Lost!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks EG :slight_smile:

I know, it is a crazy amount of spam.

Insane amount of conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, and fries on toast…

When does your meter “flip over?”


Starting today !!!

LOL… Rev, I saw you post that same thing in one of Philberts threads :slight_smile:

Still funny.

My meter flips over when I reach 1000000000 posts :wink:

I thought it was good enough to say again… :sigh:

Now it’s retired… :-\

Wow… 45 posts/day… and I thought my 17/day was excessive…


Oh. My. GOD.

I cannot believe how many posts you have, Lost. Seriously. :slight_smile:

Congratulations - I expect to see you clocking up 10K next week. :smirk:

You´re spoiling the fun of posts marks celebrations for us.
It´s suposed to happen every now and then, but with you is every… time!:slight_smile:

[SIZE=1]Come on, be fair, you hired a hundred unenployed typewriters to post for you:P[/SIZE]

lol. congrats! i figured you out, you post 24/7! some of them are 2AM lol…hahaha. j/p dude congrats!

Congrats lost!

ye Congratulations man! :ub:

Thanks guys, and Kit :slight_smile:

Yes, my secret is that I am an insomniac and don’t sleep much so I DO get to post 24/7 :wink:

And Philbert… and can you supply a link to this supposed thread with 2,137 posts of me in it? Inquiring minds what to know :o :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

i bet its in the secret mod section which doesn’t exist! :stuck_out_tongue:

anyways, congrats lost, i feel puny compared to you :crazy:

No, there is no thread like that anywhere on this forum. Not even in the council of kirupa :ninja:

Geez - I’ve been around forever and look at my sorry post count!

I guess maybe because I have a life.

runs away from a trout-armed lost

yup…thats why i said it doesn’t exist

wait if i say I think therefore i am, then if i think there is a secret council batcave than there must be one :trout: ouch ok ok there is no such thing

I have a life too Ren :frowning: I spend yesterday with my girlfriend. You people just don’t notice when I am gone for a day (or sometimes 2 days)…lol.

Take this!!!..
<MARQUEE BEHAVIOR=“scroll” DIRECTION=“up” WIDTH=“400” HEIGHT=“100” SCROLLDELAY=“55” scrollamount=“1” TRUESPEED>:trout: :trout: :trout: :trout: :trout: </MARQUEE>

Lost just answers all of the questions the rest of us ignore… no matter how redundant…

Plus he types fast… ■■■■ fast…

Glad you’re here lost… :beam:

[SIZE=1]:: I noticed you were gone, I actually helped my first MX code yesterday, since you weren’t here to beat me to it!::[/SIZE]


lost, its cause you post enough to supply us for those 1 or 2 days you are gone