Another sappy love story

Well, to set the scene, here’s a pre-rant:

I not only had an exam on a Saturday, but I had two. One of them was on Unix, which I think I did pretty well on. The other, however, was Circuit Analysis. There were a total of about 7 problems and I was not able to feel confident about a single one. Before this exam, I had a solid B+ in the class which is phenomenal considering it’s a higher-level engineering course, but after that final, my grade may plummet. So worrying through the day that I might have to re-take the class again with possibly a harder professor, my weekend hadn’t started off right already.

On with the story:

I had met this girl at a friend’s party about two weeks prior. She obviously had something for me since she knew my name before I actually met her (which implied that she put effort to find out who I was, this was confirmed to be true later on). So after meeting her that night, we partied together, danced, drank, talked, whatnot. After that night we went our separate ways. The next weekend (one week ago), I found her again at another party so we did the same thing. At the end of this night, we finally exchanged digits and screennames. So I’d talk to her through the wee hours of the night, even though she and I had to get up about 2-3 hours later for class. So I had lunch with her a couple days ago (where I made a complete as**s of myself: came late cause I forgot my phone, waited in line with her only to find out I couldn’t pay with cash so went to buy this stupid $5 card, forgot to put money on it, so she ended up having to pay; 3 strikes right there).

Anyway, last night, the last night to party before summer break, I take her and her friends to another friend’s place. I knew I had to tell her how I felt then. So at the end of the night (3:43AM), before I headed home, I told her to take a little walk with me, at which point I told her how I felt about her.

…then came the response. One of her old high school friends (doesn’t go to the same school) told her that he likes her (again, maybe, I dunno). At that point, it was implied what she was telling me. So we said our goodbyes since it was probably the last time we’d see each other for another couple months, and I proceeded to head home. I took the long way home contemplating what had just happened.

So here I am, looping Motorcycle Drive-By (Third Eye Blind) with a sense of both anger and despair. A failed relationship and a failed exam all on the same day. I am seriously on the edge here. I don’t know how I am going to cope with this, so I want to know what you guys think. The best time of the year for me has just sunk to a new low. I know I’m not going to stop thinking about her.

So yeah, thanks for reading, now I’m going to find some place to be alone for an hour or two. Did I forget to mention she lives in New Jersey and I live in Virginia?