Any feedbackon this one?

First of all, hello to all the forum users here.
would someone like to give some comments on my site.


the font’s a bit hard to read

Hey, een landgenoot. :wink:
[= Hey, a fellow countryman]

I like the colours you used and the layout is not bad at all… but… you might work on that menu system of yours. Try to make clear to your visitors which slider position is needed to go to one specific page. Put the titles of the pages in your menu bar and see if it fits…

Also, I don’t know if it’s my PC, but the animations seemed kind of slow.

Overall good work. :A+:

the animations are cool. i also like the nav bar, its unique. I also liked the colors. but as subquark said, it might be a good idea to use a diffrent font. but all together, i like it. keep up the good work.

graphically it’s good, but I don’t like the menu. I’m not a big fan of
hidden menus.

menu isn’t working for me:( Its really hard to figure out and use
Good site though!

thanks for the comments,
i’m gonna change the navigationbar a bit, and about the fonts, i’ve tried several fonts, but i just can’t get them really sharp(textfields are set dynamically multiline)

updated the site,
finnaly found a font that works and made the menu visible
it’s much better now, thanks guys

still a big download at 56K, but this is much better! :slight_smile:

a bit jerky, what’s your frame rate? I’m on a dual 550PIII so maybe it’s me

but the font is better now, how about making your email address a mailto link?