Site design concept critique

Whats up.
So I have been working on my site some more the last couple of weeks and have been changing alot of different things with it from the last time I have posted it. Its probably going to be full of glitches but I just wanted to get some opinions on the gui of it and also to ask what I should do with my fonts… Im having a hell of a time picking the right font/size/color and its really been a chore trying to figure it out on my own because I always need opinions for that kinda stuff. Also not that the end result with the site will be in a sized popup that will be an exact fit border around the “box” and that all of my sounds are off from the last version of the site so disreguard that the sounds dont quite match up. ALSO I have been working on my backgrounds and need some opinions so if you click on any of the nav buttons I have set them to change the background so check them out as well

Let me know what you think and remember its still a work in progress.

hi zero

nice site.
yes I think you have a problem with your typeface. I suggest using verdana and try to avoid using allcaps for long content. If you prefer to use pixel font, I believe if you go to fontforflash they have a pixel font that similar to verdana, try that.

as for your user interface, it’s good, however that thing that rotates is abit distracting, also use a contrast color, if you still wanna use gray, try darker gray.

i dont know about this, probably it’s only on my machine, but the custom arrow you made doesnt play smoothly… espeically around the nav.

good music

nice site zero!

thanks for the compliment!
I have taken your advice and changed the font to verdana and it does look pretty good so I guess I will stick with that. Also I have changed the contrast of the navigation buttons text so let me know if thats a little better. The arrow actually moves smoothly for me but I have heard a couple of people say that its a little choppy on their systems so maybe I will find something else. Let me know what you think of the changes.

Site isn’t bad… the font is still an issue though. It goes blurry in many many places. You need to make sure that all your font placements are correct, not just pixel fonts.

The mouse… yea… it’s really bad at sucking resources.

You spelled messenger wrong… you spelled it messanger.

Last thing… from what I’ve gathered the section load the images everytime… it seems to take a little bit to load it and all you have right now is just text… what happens when you add more content?

it laaaags for me. i like the music a lot, good choice. IMO your fonts are not good at all. have you bought a font from FFF?? do it!

hi zero…
yes that looks good, only now the placement of that pixel font is a problem, it still looks blurry. Isn’t that a pixel font? If not, try to get one from FFF [fontforflash <–highly recommended]

good luck zero

well actually what I was using before was FFF and it was 3 times worse! I used the trick of making all text dynamic and keeping with the 8 - 16 - 24 measurement system but 8 was too small with what I was trying to do. I have all the freebie fonts from FFF which one would you say would look right?

Make sure your fonts are on exact x and y coordinates as well as your movies containing the fonts. Also be shure to embed your fonts. That should help things a lot for the pixel fonts.

here is what we mean w/ your fonts:

it’s says pixel fonts but this applies to all fonts

well I think I got it a bit more clear than it was… I have changed back to a pixel font besides using verdana but I have shrank it and checked every XY along with WH. I did find that the width and the height of the boxes was actually really effecting clarity even though all tutorials are pointing to just Xy values so maybe it might have been a special case or maybe thats something to add to the tutorials… let me know what you think of the fonts now.

well the text is dynamically loaded text and the backgrounds are also dynamically loaded so truthfully there really isnt going to be to much more on the initial load size of the file… I think its loading pretty decent considering all the animations stuff that I have going on at one time.

great music

so what do you guys think I should do with my site transitions. Like How do you think I should transition changes between menus?


I really like the website, but as others said, the mouse is laggy, it seems to be when the page has loaded the “About me” text, how did you make the scroller? I’m not sure that’s it though. And the font is blurry, another thing that it doesn’t say in the tutorials but what also makes the fonts blurry, atleast sometimes, is if you resize the textwindow when there is text, or if you use the “freetransform” on the textwindows. Another thing you can do to make the mouse look better, is that if the mouseposition is less then 0 on x or y, or more then the movie height/width, hide the mousepointer. Another thing i noticed, was that when you rollover your e-mail the mouse is visible, well the hand is, and your mouse is aswell, it looks quite bad, the same with the other links.

I think that’s about it, if you fix this, you will have a great site! I really like the mousepointer and the hand, you should definetly try to fix the “lagginess”.
Good work and sorry if people already said all my things, i didn’t have time to read all the posts.

as said before… LAGS big time, and Im on a smoking machine w/broadband connection.



well whats some ideas on making my site less laggy? besides a couple of movie clips that play when you rollover them their reallys isnt that much to it… Is there some kind of way to streamline your video to play smoother?

I have added a skelton of one of the transitions for the portfolio on my site. So try loading up the site and then clicking portfolio and let me know what you think of the trans… I also have made a portfolio nav that you might want to take a look at.

for anyone that has already previously seen my site so far does the custom mouse really add anything to it? I have found that the mouse the arrow within the nav have caused a decent ammount of the lag so I have temporarily (possibly permenatly) gotten rid of them but would like some opinions…
here is my site - mouse and arrows… did it help?

Looks good, I like the background image, I was thinking it was all a bit bland, but then that came from nowhere! :smiley: However, I’d still say the one on the “portfolio” section is a bit dark (the mixer).

I don’t like the boxes for the date at the top, and the header font is a little bit too squashed looking. Other than that it’s quite nice! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the input.
The backgrounds are loading dynamically so you just had the luck of the draw having the pic of my mixer for portfolio but I might end up changing the pic to something else possibly anyways.

I dont know if anyone noticed but if you look real hard in the backgrounds I have some little suttle (almost subliminal) images going on so next time you look at them try to spot the movement.