We’re considering moving a portion of our game and client
development to Flash MX. Possible fee plus product equity
for a reliable (important) and fast freelance Flash
5/MX developer. Sample work required. References preferred.
All music, sound, graphics, text, design and backgrounds
provided (most already complete). E-mail info at heavycatweb
dot com if interested. Thanks
Ok then… Playamarz is an excellent game scripter. He has helped many people on this forum and myself with numerous types of problems. I believe his skill might be what you are looking for.
Yeah… Lemme gather up all of my reserach and developement…
I don’t really have too many full games… I don’t usually bother creating the “full” game… I usually just figure out all the parts for it… Like the engine, AI, tiles, movement and enemy behavior… And then I store those files for better use…
barge… : SupaMarMar
That’s my name on AIM… Gimme a shout sometime and I’ll help you out.