Any Flash Experts?

Flash experts:

We’re considering moving a portion of our game and client
development to Flash MX. Possible fee plus product equity
for a reliable (important) and fast freelance Flash
5/MX developer. Sample work required. References preferred.

All music, sound, graphics, text, design and backgrounds
provided (most already complete). E-mail info at heavycatweb
dot com if interested. Thanks

Game Developement for Flash MX eh?

I’m up to it… I’ll whip you up a good resume’ and I’m sure people on the forums here could attest that I know what I’m doing fro Game Flashing…


You need a reference Playa?

Ok then… Playamarz is an excellent game scripter. He has helped many people on this forum and myself with numerous types of problems. I believe his skill might be what you are looking for.

<-- agrees with lost =)

playa is a hella of scripter, and make awesome games! he is the man for that job! :slight_smile:

I agree, playa knows his stuff, he’s my tutor as a matter of fact. =)

Game Developement for Flash MX eh?

Replied via e-mail. Please e-mail info at heavycatweb dot com with any questions. Thanks!

I just need someone possibly on AIM to guide me a little and help me in flash MX. Someone to ask questions and crap. Thanks

Yeah… Lemme gather up all of my reserach and developement…

I don’t really have too many full games… I don’t usually bother creating the “full” game… I usually just figure out all the parts for it… Like the engine, AI, tiles, movement and enemy behavior… And then I store those files for better use…

barge… : SupaMarMar

That’s my name on AIM… Gimme a shout sometime and I’ll help you out.

Take Care