Hi I am Fett. This is my first post. And I am making a platform engine as the first thing I have ever done in flash. literally. Its better this way to me. My engine is missing a key ingredient. The damage, all that stuff is there. But ive tried for weeks and weeks trying to get that to work and I am getting frustrated. I say the engine is pretty good for what it is. Ive used tutorials, books, and even came up with my own stuff to create it. And when my damage is complete, then the engine is good and ready for what I need it for. If youd like to help, id like to ask that you meet the criteria:
*willing to spend a little bit of time editing the code necessary for adding the damage.
*has played games like metroid and :sonic: the hedgehog and but looking at how when the player gets hurt, they have a good idea on what I want.
*pretty darn good at actionscript 2.0
*has flash cs3, cs4 (I have thise one), or cs5 (must save as cs4)
*does not autoformat
*wont try to completely reqrite the whole code so I have to learn what each thing is again
and when you help me ill give you the finished engine .fla bla bla bla. If youd like to help. Send me a pm and ill go : D. Id like to ge this done before the week ends. Thanks