Any ideas

Any ideas how to make that menu

i see some masking but how can i do it :S i dont know

That site you posted uses what I’m guessing is a javascript menu, the only thing that is flash is the header. You can still created something similar in flash, here is a tutorial for it, hope it helps. =)

yeah i was talking about the flash part :smiley: Thanks geek :smiley:

But im not talking about the drop down…

im talking about the flash in the top of that the one with the 4 pics… the water… i think it uses some dynamic masking or something


top layer - those strips
under top layer - mask
under mask - 4 pics
under pics - background

any questions???

hope to help ya

oh!!! now i got it!!!

simple :wink:

put something like this:

if (_root._xmouse > 10 - _root.1stpic._x) {
_root.1stpicmask._xscale = 200;
} else { _root.1stpicmask._xscale = Math.random()*10}

how’s that???

so you want the mask draggable?

dunn really think so…

he want’s these mask “open” when _xmouse is near
is it so, or am I wrong???

yeah fluid thats correct same functionality has the one in the webpage…

can you post a simple .fla?

i really need to see some code and stuff to udnerstand better.

Thanks for the help!!1

Well its not really DYNAMIC masking, it is just cleverly set up. There are multiple layers and multiple masks.

Check my attachment.


going to check it… wait…

thansk for the help

ok i check the file but…

its dif the functionality…

in the webpage i post they got like 4 buttons on the flash and when u rollover the mask expands or something and reveals the pic below it…

please help…

Oh sorry, I couldn’t see that before because the menu system was lagging my system severly so I just saw the masks and closed it before my computer blew up.

Well to me it just seems like a rollover effect on an invisible button (or movie clip acting as a button). You can tell because the slide motion of the mask isn’t smooth, if you go over it quickly it jumps to the closing animation, so that isn’t scripted, it is tweened. So it is pretty much like any other rollover effect that makes a movie clip do something.

so they got 4 buttons

and, when u rollover, u got a movie clip in the rollover button that expands the rect of the mask?

or im very wrong?

i GTG now be back tomorrow or at night. but if someone can help me with a .fla i would appreciate it alot

thanks :elderly:

You have a button with rollOver actions…

something like

on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {

The rollOver plays the mask expanding animation (of course the mask will be in a movie clip symbol)

The rollOut plays the mask shrinking animation.

check this out - should help ya :pope:

Thanks fluid. I was working on my own projects and I didn’t have much time to figure out and set up an example file.

Great job BTW.

really think so???

please visit my site and tell me if it’s kinda g00d or crap, OK?

Well if you want opinions on it, post in the Site Check section, but I will reply here…

  1. I despise full screen windows. Most people never visit full screen sites again, so I recommend losing that.

  2. Pop ups are frowned upon as well, but I don’t mind personally if the main site opens in one.

  3. You should NEVER have someone have to download a font to view your site. Many people won’t download it for fear of getting something else, and also functionality of a site requires that the viewer be able to see it without having to get anything they don’t already have (besides the plug-in for flash of course in a Flash site case).

  4. The browser shake is very unprofessional.

Other than those, I think its pretty good, the animation is very smooth too, which is good and the transitions were short and simple :slight_smile: