My school resently purchased lightwave, and none of the teachers know how to use it, im hopeing to learn and teach them stuff…u know raises the grade:chinaman: …ne ways if you have ne tips, good tut sites or any other coments about lightwave, post away
pretty hard stuff you got there
I personaly think Lightwave ist the Best Progi followed by 3DStudio Max.
Where 3DStudio is a little simmpler to use (But Still Hard),
so Lightwave ist the Ultimate Tool!
Now, to the Tip: Get a Book!
Lightwave is verry Complex!!!
Can do almost all and is therfore a time eater!
Take a wile to get some results. I personaly tried, but i have to
admid it is not that easy!!!
But once you learn how to do it, WOW
Thats Lightwave!!
there is a site i recomend to see what can be done in Lightwave,
but he does only Pics. He uses Lightwave, Wordlbilder and Brice
i think.
go here:
hope this helps
I use lightwave alot…It is a very fun proggy when you get past the interface. Go to their tuts are great and they have a very responsive forum. Also post questions here. I can help ya at times. Although I think I am the only lightwave user here
and MAN learn the goddam keyboard shortcuts…
there are also very annoying tidbits; i’ve got problem with backfaces when i’m extruding objects
anyway search for litwave tut on google…
people are always willing to help