Speak Up who uses Lightwave?

It seems slowly but surely LightWave users are coming out of the closet. I dont ask any questions here about lightwave because I figured not many use it. Actually I thought only Soulty and I use it.

But now speak up…who uses lightwave? Maybe I can start asking questions here if I get stuck on something.

Dont be afraid to come out of the closet among the max and maya users

I use lightwave(only), although i’m still learning it, i like it alot. the renders are superb, I think most people choose lightwave because of the final rendering quality…radiosity,GI,HDR, clean looking iconless interface is very nice.

Before lightwave, i’ve tried others 3dapps to see which suits me best. Although lightwave at the begining is hard to get around, but once you are fimiliar with its interface, it should be no problem(me still half way there!) like i said, i choose lightwave because of the rendering result. But later on, I found that lightwave is very poweful besides the render engine, e.g. the Modeler.

In conclusion, i strongly recommend Lightwave3D to everyone who is goin’ into 3D and need the best tool to do the job!

10+1 out of 10 stars to Lightwave3D!!

lol…this thread is almost a year old. BUt glad we got another LW’er aboard

Yea, I was going to say, doesn’t dippy have an ipod?

I too am a closet LW user … it’ll be our secret though, huh?! ;¬)
To be honest though, I learnt on Max and I do find modeller very intuitive/quick, but still have pangs for Max when it comes to animating.

I use LW, but my skills are pathetic and don’t have much time to practice with going to school…

DDD I wanna slap you right now for bringing this topic up. :lol: I’ve been on a real good spending spree for the last month and and now I don’t know if I can hold out 'til the end of the day without buying LW.

explain please… :smiley:

lol…hydrowire dug this joker up. This thread is heeeeeellllllla old. I saw some good deals on LW on ebay and at cgtalk (in the LW section)

lol…hydrowire dug this joker up. This thread is heeeeeellllllla old.

sry, i didn’t notice this thread was almost one-year-old until i see the date when u replied…i came here by ‘Serach’-ing the whole forum with the term lightwave…
just to see if lightwave was active around here :stuck_out_tongue:

**d100763:**I use LW, but my skills are pathetic and don’t have much time to practice with going to school…

same as me :frowning:

DDD your lightwave skillz must be great, care to share with us?

hydrowire, you want to get into Lightwave and interact with the die hard people using it then hang out here http://vbulletin.newtek.com/ or here http://www.lwg3d.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=294
this is were the core Lightwave people chat and post art you will gather much skills young jedi… but don’t leave Kirupa… or we’ll have to hunt you down

hydrowire, you want to get into Lightwave and interact with the die hard people using it then hang out here http://vbulletin.newtek.com/ or here http://www.lwg3d.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=294
this is were the core Lightwave people chat and post art you will gather much skills young jedi


juz wanna see any lightwave pro hangin’ around in a flash forum(like me & DDD & many other, but i’m not pro, still learning). :wink:
hey i never miss a single post (WIP & Finished) at http://vbulletin.newtek.com/ !! :beam: :beam:

the real deal holyfield place is cgtalk.com in the LW section. I will see if I can dig some stuff up. Actually working on a piece right now that the client said I can use in my portfolio so I ll start there when I am finished

cgtalk is a really good 3d site, lots of really talented artists over there… I think I was registered there at one point. Even tho’ they focused on 3D, I felt there was not enough lightwave traffic for me, I felt limited to the amount of information I had at my disposal, and confined to one section of a website as opposed to having an entire website devoted to me like newtek. Besides I figured what better forum to be on than the company who’s software you are using.
Also in addition to Newtek, and LWG… you could check out http://www.spinquad.com/forums/
Now there is a really good LW forum site, anyway… most of the 3d people jump around from forum to forum learning and passing on info, you just have to find one that you like the best.
I wouldn’t say cgtalk is the end all to beat all, but it is a good site no doubt…
just my opinion… :stuck_out_tongue:

yea I go to sq too. But look at the post count and users online and total users and you will see why I frequest cg more than anyother. But spin quad is good. As is lwg3d.com

I use the manual as a door stop… does that count?