i just started a few weeks ago and i have a great time. today i went through about 400 paintballs out of 1k because im learning to conserve them. lol
We played bunker games the first 2 games and they are about 50ft apart, so when u get hit, you really know. i got hit in the finger and it wouldnt stop shaking and it started to bleed. we were close.
i got hit:
Belly button - never get hit here, so sore after.
back x2
top of my head.
it was a good time. i brought smoke bombs and when i would light them the smoke would linger though out the whole game.
I’ve played painball a few times (indoor). I love it. I have a fairly heavy trigger finger, and usually go through 1K in about 1½ - 2 hours. (Some times I jam up the guns because I rent the guns, and they’re semi-automatic so they can’t keep up with my 0.12 second rapidfire :D). I prefer indoor to out door for two main reasons. 1) I don’t like the indoors and 2) I like the feeling of indooredness.
I’ve been hit:
Upper arms x3
lower arms x1
hands x6
back of the head x1
sides x3
mouth x1 (that was really nasty, because the paintball exploded on the mask, and showered my mouth with paint, which tastes really disgusting.)
Hey I love paintball, I play with mdipi In Boston Tommorow Im most likely going to play in my friend’s woods
If you want to talk to paintballers about paintballing and anything to do with it…I suggest this forum: www.paintballforum.com
I wish I could play more often :puzzled: but theres hardly any fields near me, Xtreme Paintball (the paintball stor I used to go to) shut down I discovered today much to my surprise on my way for a c02 refill…WHY!!!
I never knew bruises could be so many colors until I played this game…… You get hit square and you have a bruise the size of the palm of your had that ranges from dark purple, to yellow and orange, with a kind of ring of blood under the skin in the centre.
I don’t know about the guns or balls you are using, they have different powered guns and different hardness of paint balls. (I think we used a medium hardness ball).
The thing I like about it is it HURTS so bad when you get shot you don’t want to get shot… You are almost scared… I have seen people pinned down surrender just so they don’t get shot…
There was a castle war, a guy jumped down out of the castle, and I shot up at him… Bullet hit him in the neck… went up under his full face mask because of the angle… Anyhow it was enough to make him bleed…. It was poring from his neck all down his shirt……
I had a friend who in a free for all game said we would work together… he opened up a machine gun into my back from a few feet…. I fell to the ground and started rubbing my back into the sand, my back was burning like it was on fire and I wanted to get it out… My whole back was a purple orange for a week……
So yeah I have played it…… And I love it… but it is kind of expensive… Guess that might have to do a lot with the public liability insurance…
I play a bit, have not for about a year. I started a paintball business that failed but it was fun for awhile, we had it all 10 guns with all the equipment, 2 big 'ol 50 lb c02 tanks for all day play, refs jerseys, chronogrpah… the works. We played strictly in the woods, but only lasted for a few games before we found out it was illegal to profit out in the National Forest w/ out a permit, so we gave it up before we got fined or worse :jail: Only lost about agrand off the venture, it would have worked too I think.
I say if anyone out there has land, setup some bunkers and charge people to play there, they will come for sure. Watch your liability though, I still have a lot of the data for Cali if anyone is interested. Were still listed at warpig but our site is down and the business is failed. My fav is to play woods/rec ball and scenario, don’t like speedball. Good luck all you ballers out there, watch your backs!
played about 7 years every weekend on a team, actually 3 teams (Warriors, Twister, and Mohawk Zombies in which I was co-captain). lost interest when all the teens got interested and about the same time people started wearing bright neon colors while running through the woods. Also paying 1500.00 for a weapon was and still is a bit ridiculas.
I miss the days of stealth and when it was fun. Only way to do that now is to give everyone 10 to 20 balls in their hopper and no extra tubes of paint and say have at it for a 5 to 10 man 20 minute game IMO.
I remember 1 game I played against all these Vietnamese guy. 1 of them was supposed to have been a solder in the Vietnamese army.
It came down to just me and him, he took a shot at me and gave away his position. I charged him and he ran, he wouldn’t have been more than 10-15m from me and he just vanished.
He had gone dived down like a snake, and had crawled…. I stopped and thought where the hell did he go, he was just here. I started looking in the shrubs back tracing and we fired on each other.
I remember that particular because I was absolutely amazed that he managed to just vanish in front of my eyes.