Just got back from shooting

When I lived in Reno, NV (before the Brady bill), I had a friend who was a bit of a gun freak…

He had uzi’s, H&K .308 assault rifle, mini Mac, etc. etc. etc.

It was fun to go out in the desert and blow things up… awesome amount of power in big guns…



I like accuracy shooting. a .22 is plenty of weapon for me. :slight_smile:

Sometimes some friends of mine and I run up to the cats for a weekend retreat. We have a hand held skeet launcher and a nice enclosed quarry area. Usually we squeeze off a couple hundred .22’s and a couple dozen shot slugs on any given outage. Occationaly we’ll do still targets as well. To tell the truth, it doesn’t thrill me the way it does some, but to each their own.

I’m doing paintball. Went into Penn to visit the country’s largest paintball turny. Lasted 8 hours and felt like I had been run over by a horse, but it was a blast. We blew through about 1500 paint balls in the 8 hours, per person. It was a good time.

well… Mak feels outclassed
i like playing with cap gunS! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

seriously tho…guns are fun, especially when the chicks see you with ur gun and come up to talk to you…i dont think they come talk to phil with his buddies and their guns…you would think they are going to war…hell, phil and his buddies probably have more weapons than the all of those horse police combined…dam them and their horse…j/k i luv the mounties!!!

just out of curiousty…how much did that cost you and where did you get it…local gun shop? :bandit:

I used to have a Charter Arms .38 …

what brand is yours?


My fav gun was a S&W .357 Mag, 2" stainless steel…

small, powerful, personal protection…


[SIZE=1]::before realizing I was a pacifist::[/SIZE]


All my life…

my father and brother are still avid hunters…

If I were to own a gun today, it would prob be a Colt Commander .45 auto. One of the best for stopping power for size (I am not a big guy), and being a semi-auto, the recoil is fairly small. Beautiful gun…

Good friend of mine loves her Walther PPK (SF cop)…


You scare me Phil.

Yes I have…

I actually like the H&K M9 (I think) 9mm… smooooooooth… smaller than the ar-15, just as accurate… ■■■■ Germans…



Yes, H&K makes a beautiful weapon.

I have also found the Glok 21 a very nice weapon (both 9mm and .45auto). Light weight, holds 17 rounds (I think), light kick… Just a bit big with all of that ammo in the handle…


I sold all of my guns when I left Nevada…

Too many people in too small of an area (SF)…


lots of space in NV…


you still scare me phil. lol

Something about strong oppinons and shooting…
lol just given ya hell Phil =)

I used to go out to shoot, but i really have no reason to now, since im in a city and i dont like to hunt.


I like paintballing - you get to shoot living, breathing creatures without permanently damaging or hurting anyone… unless they’re stupid enough to remove their goggles. Plus it’s active, aggressive and challenging and so far I haven’t encountered any bad sportsmanship.

i shoot paintballs…but my dad is friends w/ cops so i get to go to the qualifiers w/them and shoot their guns. :P. one has an AK 47 or sumthing.

runs and hides beneath bed
Guns dont kill, people do
looks at Phil

There’s one right down the street, in Palo Alto…

Will you pay for shipping?


The kink is going to be finding a box that will fit over a bldg which is over a mile long…


Stanford Univ
Palo Alto, CA




I loaned out my 50 Terahertz Bromide Laser with Scalar capabilities built in, and it hasn’t been returned…


I really can’t think of anything more challenging in terms of guns than paintballing. In paintballing your opponent has a human mind that develops plans and tactics. Plus I could never shoot a non-human animal.

Paintballing pretty much takes the whole day - from 9am-6pm. There’s a lot of running and crawling in the dirt and sliding behind bunkers. I only do it about once or twice a month as it is pretty expensive. You come home all covered in welts and bruises, but I find it very satisfying.