Anybody available for a battle right now?

i want to battle today, ASAP! Any takers for PS or FlashMX battles? name your game…

U want to battle, did u read the sticky topic by dan, on what subject you want to battle Majeye

yeah i read it, and i was afraid to do anything lest i get my head bitten off. I thought making my intents known would be a good start. I figured after that, rules would come flyin at me…

Each member will make submittions to post based on the theme set my a moderator.

so do i have creative control, or is the moderator?

Either way, i wanna battle today, if possible…

i am up for PS

alright. Anyone can do this. I want to see a freestyle desktop wallpaper, made from scratch, (no photos, or starting image), all in photshop. PS Only! Use jpeg format, 1280x960 px. Did i forget anything?

due date?

please submit your designs by wednesday evening. i guess. Then we can all vote for the one we like the most. Sound good?

considering i did it while waiting for a reply, yep.

god i hate that subbision. good thing i am not doing anything but the battle with it. maybe i shouldnt have just used what ever brushes i saw…

very, very nice.

wow, that really rux Majeye! u got my vote from now!

he deserves it! :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks. make your submissions before wednesday evening, or kirupa will beat you with a cordless keyboard.

i did…

i have a feeling this might be a two way race…

i dont know a whole lot about how to use photoshop yet, but i guess it never hurts to try. heres what i came up with.

not to bad… one full day left. lets have this thing closed by 5:30 EST? sound good?

quick and dirty…

Can we vote yet? I must say that I prefer the last 2…

pom :cowboy: