Anybody know where?

I am looking for that one tut. The one that shows you how to take an image then takea one pixel selection of it…and repeat it …so it looks like the picture is smeared. I have been lookin forever and cannot find it. I know it was a topic because I was in on it. Can someone post the link if they know what I am talking of. Or know where another tut is for it.

That search button truely is wonderful :trout:

dude I used it I swear…but it did not bring up wut I was looking for…

LOL… I will give you the benefit of the doubt, I only found it because I knew it was called pixel stretching :stuck_out_tongue: I was just messin’ with ya :beam:

hahahahha…I was feeling like such a junior member.

OOOHH OOOOOHH I am almost to 1000 posts…11,000 more and I can be up there with you lost!!!