This weekend.
Some cool stuff featured. I’m gonna buy a tix later on today. Curious if any crazed kirupa dwellers will be there : )
This weekend.
Some cool stuff featured. I’m gonna buy a tix later on today. Curious if any crazed kirupa dwellers will be there : )
I wish. Chicago was one of the coolest cities I have ever visited.
Really? Been here a few years kinda think it sucks Guess you went to the cool places that I missed ;/
guess I’m alone then. The pv3d workshop will be cool with the API developers
Wow. Are you serious?
The Navy pier is nothing but a parade of smoking hot women this time of year. You got Wrigley Field… the White Sox… and one of the most insane clusters of Irish Pubs I have ever seen in a one mile area.
The people are insanely friendly.
If I were to ever leave the Boston area that’s the one other city I would consider.
I’m constantly coming up with excuses to attend trade shows in Chicago.
Wrigley field is awesome, so is the plethora of cool pubs. It’s the mid-west so everyone is friendly and warm. But there’s also a lot of projects, gangs and violence. Chicago is like the fourth most violent city in the US or something like that. The food is mediocre (again, mid-west = 200 pounds of cheese on everything) at best and a lot of down town areas are pretty gritty.
Boston… dude… you got like the Vinyard, Cape Cod (:love:) the red sox and that crazy big gay area where everyone is uber friendly ; )
I prefer SF but Chicago is cool and I only live 2 hours from it. And no I will not be going.
Chicago, San Francisco, and Boston are my favorite cities.
That’s right.
Suck it NY :fight:
SF is the best US city i’ve been to. Such a cool vibe. And any place that can spawn BootieSF wins in my book. For the uninitiated bootieSF is the best regular mashup/bootleg night in … well the world really. is the site. their monthly top 10 bootlegs keeps me entertained at work more than any other music.
I went to FiTC Hollywood last year and was sort of disappointed. :-/
I’m going.
I don’t think I’ve ever said more than a word or two to you here on KirupaForums Krilnon but if you get lonely, look for the (most likely) only 6"5 guy with blue eyes in the room ha ha
Looking forward to listening to R Blank even if the topic is “mjeah”
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