Now Im off to NYC

August 9-13 I am shooting out to Santa Clara Cali for a tradeshow. I wont be at the conference for a good chunk of the time. So I am going to have all kinds of down time to play around and have some fun.

Anyone know the area? Whats hot whats not?

Good club, bar, resteraunt Scene info?

I’ll be at a hotel within 3 miles of the Santa Clara Convention Center. Not sure which one yet… our admin is out sick and she has all my flight hotel info :beam:

What the hell are you doing way up there? The parties down here in Sothern Cal!

Well I like you and all but not enough to make a 5 hour drive to have drinks. Maybe if you ever visit LA I’ll buy you a drink for trying to kill you.

Too bad you won’t be in San Diego - I’ll be there that same week for a conference also. We could trade pictures of our computers because I know you keep one in your wallet just like I do. :beam:

a family friend (works with computers) is going to san diego for sum convention/conference…:rabbit:

Probably the same one - ESRI for GIS users. Something like 30,000 people turn out for this thing. The city sponsors a fireworks show for chrissakes and the party on the last day is supposed to be outta hand. All I know is a gal I work with booked us rooms at a nice hotel and she’s all excited about free happy hour in the jacuzzi from 3-7 everyday. :beer:

Well Lun, Since I made it all the way up to see you and you didn’t want to see me you should come by LA :stuck_out_tongue:

Stupid IEEE EMC Convention.
You can buy me a drink anytime man. Too bad though, then you could have seen why you probably wouldn’t have suceeded. :beam:

I’ve never been to Cali before and I am geographically delinquint so I dont know the difference between northern and souther cali.

Its a free trip across the states anyhow. :beer:

Too bad you won’t be in San Diego - I’ll be there that same week for a conference also. We could trade pictures of our computers because I know you keep one in your wallet just like I do.

LOL…you got me. I carry a pic of my PC like I would my kid in my wallet :lol:

Northern Cali: Think “forests and silicon”. Half of it is expensive homes, tech companies, and San Francisco. The other half is mountains and trees.

Southern Cali: Think “beaches and skating”. There are a lot more bad areas to the south, but it’s got the “SoCal” culture, and Hollywood (which is sort of a pit unless you live in the hills)

I’m from Long Beach (LBC represent! :wink: j/k ) which is just outside of LA. I lived on the good side though, so not quite from where Snoop Dog or Sublime is from, but very close.

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Yeah, so nice of you to call me on a Monday 3 hrs before you had to leave . . . :sigh:


I decided to stay in San Jose. It looks like there is a little more to do out there. Its not that far from the convention center in santa clara.

I’ll be at the Downtown Crowne Plaza is anyone wants to go tear it up :beam:

I am bringing my digi-cam so I am sure there will be pics to follow.

Welcome to Cali Fester!!! Oh, what? You’re not here yet?

You’ll love it, in fact I think you’ll love it so much that you’ll want to live there permanently. :sure:

sounds like fun!

Fester, come on man… Head South. Drinks are on me.

Litteraly? :love:

how long of a drive are you man?

I have a car and will have some down-time.

and umm…free drinks dont suck either :wink:

Well from San Jose… about 5 hours.

We’ll see about that one bro. I like my cold, rude and super fast-paced northeast :beam:

You guys dont even have friggin dunkin-donuts. I have no idea how I am going to survive on 3000 degree burnt-arse starbucks coffee. :sick:

I fly out Sunday I will get in at around 2:30 PM your time. I managed to get a direct flight which is good stuff.

Ooooooooooooooooo… Not sure If I am up for a 10 hour trip.

THats time to say what-up pound a beer and drive back.

I’m heading out to Cali again soon. I know a bunch of you Kirupians surf too, so I was wondering if anyone was interested in paddling out somewhere between August 25th and September 20th?

hmmm…alcohol and driving sounds like a winning combination :thumb: