Wow, the storms before the first feeder bands are hitting the panhandle here in Florida. Flash flooding, rain you can’t see through, and lightning are just some of the joys I battled just leaving my apartment, not to mention the 20-30 minute drive to work.
Anyone else in their direct path? Or currently experiencing the effects? We have a hurricane watch for southern Florida, and meanwhile the one coming at the panhandle has increased wind speed by about 10mph in a day.
Looks like Florida is going to get a double whammy.
The weather is getting pretty bad outside right now. I’m just going to start counting down the minutes before my cable internet service stops working haha :bad:
Bonnie has sustained winds of up to 45 knots now, and may strengthen to hurricane force in the next 12 to 24 hours. Bonnie will pick up speed and turn northeastward later today. There is a possibility that it will make a sharper right hand turn and hit the peninsula but who knows.
I’m good now… but i was hit By Floyd… which destroyed my community… where 100’s of houses stood… now all overgrown grass… i was fine… the flood crested 1/4 mile from my house
Florida residents are facing a one-two tropical punch, with Tropical Storm Bonnie moving steadily toward the state’s Panhandle and Hurricane Charley moving toward the Keys. Although Bonnie has weakened, Charley – already a Category 1 hurricane – is expected to strengthen over the next 24 hours.