Anyone know how to do that effect where it flashes, and blinks… Example, its in the intro
In that intro, it has that White Flash on the object, and its a cool effect, just dont know how to do it
It’s done, usually, in the time line of the object you want to flash. It works best when the movie is set to 24fps. You make about 4 keyframes (1 frame after the other, no gaps) on the time line of the movieclip/graphic that you want to flash and on the 1st and third keyframes you adjust the brightness to something like 90-100%. This gives the flashing effect when the movie is played. To adjust the brightness the object has to be a movie clip or graphic. It won’t work with normal vector art/text, unless you do the same thing by adjusting the colour.
Hope that makes sense.
Thanks, ill give it a shot, Thank you soo much Im glad there is alot of help out there =)