Anyone need help making a Virtual Pet Site?


ummm not to sound mean or nothing,… but i dont think anyone realy wants to make a virtual pet game…neo pets is gay enough :frowning:

you seem interested in doing this kind of thing :slight_smile: Maybe you should just make some characters in your free time and post them in the design forum to get some comments (with a reminder each time that you think it may be a cool idea to make virtual pets out of them)


Hi, are you interested in drawing?..why don’t you mail or pm me. I’m working in something may like you. Contact me so I can see your work.


How do I create a pet site? I’ve seen so many. I already built a web site so now I want a virtual pet site. I don’t know where to start. Plz help me.

by learning a programming language like php :wink:

maybe you should… work on something else creative and original? Just because everyone else has one, does that mean you have to too?

just a thought :-/

by learning to combine php, mysql, and flash to control/make de animation of the pet would be a great start…

now reading Senocular’s post…it’s one point to Senocular…that would be a good starting point but in the other hand these things are all over the net…

so first:

What do you know?
What do yu have access to? (server technology mostly, we can assume you have flash already).

I whould like it if someone can help me

I want to make a virtual pet site that has Wild Animals like Wolves and even Animal that is not real like Dragons

2 Emails is: and [email protected]

Right now I’m on Graywords2

But later I’m going to only be on Graywords1

hey ok lets make a virtual web site!!! u there even?

cough Please pm, punctuate and avoid eccesive "u"s and exclamation marks.

Also, to IloveZelgadis- please edit your posts, don’t just add tons of really short ones, it is viewed as spamming.

For my sanity :drool:

Now, on topic:
Virtual pet sites… well, you actually have to be able to program to run one. You can team up with someone who knows about other aspects of programming (php vrs flash) but you have to know something. In other words programming newbies will have a very hard time setting up a virtual pet site.