Anyone Use Freehand Mx?


Im using FREEHAND MX Educational version and Ive been trying to find the darn ‘extrusion’ tool to create some 3d text. But of course I cant find the tool!! Where is it?? Is this tool not included in the Educational version? It doesnt even turn up in the freehandhelp search area. ;(

it should be right in the tool pallete. it is a box with like a perspective look. if not look under the windows menu. It may be hidden also you know how some of the tools have the little arrow on the bottom corner that means there are more options to it. try those. BUt it is in the tool pallete

Umm the FreeHand I recieved in MX studio is FreeHand 10, Im assuming this is Freehand MX since it was in MX studio. Or has Macromedia jibbed me? :hair:

Ive now looked for the extrude tool in the Educational and full version but i still dont see it

actually freehand mx did not come with mx studio. And 10 does not have the extrude tool to my knowledge. Which is why you dont see it. Freehand Mx came out after mx studio

Yeah thanks 3d -… I just got a reply from macromedia support letting me know the same thing. I mean GEE its makes sense that they dont put FreeHand MX with MX Studio doesn’t it!? :scream: ****!

(they should at least make the freehand10 > mx upgrade free)