Freehand MX

Just got the word FH MX is now out.

I was a little peaved when I first got Studio MX because FH was still 10, which I already had, but its still my default vector tool (next to flash).

I havent tried MX yet, though the new interface is certainly appealing, as is the new features. Im downloading the trial now. Chances are I wont use it much; I dont use 10 that much now, but I am considering upgrading. I guess mostly just to have a full suite of MX’s :slight_smile: I feel incomplete otherwise :wink:

… that and I think I just may have $99 to blow…

then again I might shoot for Studio MX Plus.

what does everyone else think?

Yeah I got MX also. I use FH10 allot well that and fireworks. Now they release MX studio plus. That includes Contribute. So sen you have to go get contribute too now so you will have the full mx suite

Ive been playing with it and its actually pretty nice. Things like the extrude tool make it really easy to make simple 3d (wireframe) elements quite quickly (though more complex objects are quite slow to kick in). The connector tool will also be nice in developing flow charts in the future. Some pretty fun stuff - alot kicking back to flash too. Something I’ll consider :slight_smile: