My two cents

Having just started using the Macromedia Studio MX edition, I am completely astonished about the upgrades from previous versions. Until this morning I had prolonged going to to see the available includes simply to become more familiar on my own. I’ll just say if you have a question or are looking for a specific tool to implement, look within the components menu first. Four components were present that saved me at least a couple days in searching for the correct procedures. Now I know I’m preaching to the choir but there are newbies out there, and with a little experimentation and reading the comments from other users as well as the creator, you can definitely spend a day learning proper use and how to correctly develop on your own.

Secondly, has anyone else started experimenting with the Maya 4.5 3d software? All I can say is wow! **If you know of any links or a particuliar forum that discusses this application please include it here. **

Also, thanks to Rynoe and Thad for getting back to me via email. This site definitely contributes to the success of designers and well as developers. I hope to contribute as well in the near future. I haven’t been this excited about developing since I moved from VB 3 to API integration and the inet components.

Thanks for reading and keep the info flowing…


go to the Drawing and Design forum there is a sticky up at the top with like a thousand tuts for everything under the sun. I have answered this question about 10x thanks lost for the sticky.

I know how you feel… As a developer I find myself pointing people to the same FAQ’s over and over at the ASP Messageboard. Feels strange pulling the same stunt after years of being on the other end. Thanks for the reply. Also, I was referring to others inputs on the Maya software package…

just go here and do a search for any kind of tutorial


No problem, I am sure you would do the same!