well leave a post here if u do
My answer is no, but I am only replying to bring up a few things.
You should definite give more information, what will your web design company be handling and coding in? Is it just Flash, or does it involve HTML, CGI, Perl, PHP, ASP, XML, Javascript, DHTML, CSS.
You should supply examples of your current works so people can see how you are right now.
and some other stuff I can’t think of right now.
ok well i just learned html about 1 1/2 months ago and im just learning flash my website i made is http://csclan.w00thost.com
freak is noone goona awnser
click click BOOM
Wow man, give it time.
You are only allowing like an hour between posts, and I don’t know about you, but you started this thread at 12am where I am, not too many people up at that time or late. It is 1:30am here now.
Keep in mind different time zones.
Im moving this thread to random too since it really doesn’t belong in here.
Well, did already some online work… not to much, random stuff.
Created a few pages here… sold some stuff there… I am intrested a bit… but I guess maybe in noot what you do exacly… (you sell jewlery) right?
Give it time. If you only learned HTML a month ago and are learning flash now, go ahead and try to master them before you start a company.
i am pretty good at html yes i sell jewelry and i want to start a web design buiesness
Not to sound like an arse, but knowing HTML won’t get you anywhere. You can have the entire HTML dictionary memorized but you are gonig to need some work. I have known html for 8 years but I didn’t start getting paying work until I learned Flash, php, mysql, and xml. look into those. here is a shell of a site that I am currently creating:
**I had to make a mock site for the client to determine if they wanted to hire me. That is all pretty much standard HTML but that is about as fancy as it gets.
Good luck.
oh and get really good with photoshop or some graphics program. get a 3D progam like blender or 3dsmax and get good with that…
Well said Jubba.