Anyone want to battle

Sorry bout the jpeg exchange guys. I don’t mind if you guys want to swap PSD’s and I’ll just do jpegs. It would still be jpeg for the guy after me though.

it’s ok.
do you think maybe in your next couple rounds though… that you could cite your sources… your images that you might use in the next ones? that way i can still have the originals to mess with! that would work out nicely.

Here’s my first serve:
Take Me Away
(click to enlarge)

I decided to make it into a wallpaper for a pretty cool band. Check their site. Good music.
What do you all think?

STOCK: kitty-stock

Beddoes, I will PM you with a link to your psd file shortly. I put it into a zip file, and it’s like 40MB! sorry about the size.

ok, I sent you a PM with a link about like a couple hours ago, but I forgot about some things in my image… for some reason, the little circles behind the head got knocked down to a size 10 font… so even though you see those circles in my image… um… yeah they are in the psd i gave you, also… so like if you decide to use that… just remember that it’s still there, but hidden. didn’t leave it out. it should be set to size 1100 px, and with a blending mode of Soft Light.

Hope this post doesn’t annoy anyone. :wink:

bibidy bobidy boom.
anyone out there?

We will give him a little bit if he doesnt post his i will just end up going.

Sorry guys been really busy and i did say u could go 1st VDam so can u pwease :hugegrin: ill start as soon as i can after u then

o and btw ur pictures are amazing so dont expect that good from me…

alright I will go next btw mr e that is a freaky *** picture lol.

Arite here is mine if you need the PSD Beddoes just pm me I will have to email it.

Awesome work fellas! Both scare the poop out of me.

hey vdam, i could have given you the psd if you wanted. lol.
it’s hard to see my face in there but i found it. :smiley:

my first serve… man oh man i don’t think i’ve done anything as good as that, to be honest. maybe close to as good as that, but i’m really proud of that piece.

and yours, vdam, is freakin awesome. is that eye from kitty stock, too?
and punkerton, how do you do that graffiti type of stuff? is there a tute somewhere? that’s a nice effect and i know this place that’s doing an “urban abstract” wallpaper contest… and that effect could be a good one to use for that.

I dont quite know where I got that eye pic I have a folder of stock photos in my documents.

so are we just doing a straight up jpeg exchange the whole time through, for everybody? that would go a lot faster.

So are we just waiting for Beddoes? Then it will be back to me? V and E you guys work fast!

Mr.E I haven’t seen any tutorials on graffiti. I do this a lot and there are several methods I use depending on what kind of thing I’m putting it on. I often use a bw version of the image with the texturizer tool. For this I just used two layers one at about 60-80% and one that has a multiply blending mode to pull the texture underneath out. Do you have a link for that urban abstract thing?

Looking forward to beddoes! If he’s out there.

i only work fast because i have no life… and this is all i’m really doing right now. lol

what’s the status, homies?

I dont know for sure but he did PM me today and said it should be done today or tommorow if not we will just continue with the list.

Ok sorry guys but I have been busy I was thinking yesterday about different concepts but ‘A vision to come’ is hard to work on i was thinking something like imagination but such a hard concept to produce visually so i was thinking of the ‘A vision to come’ title and maybe a futuristic design ?
also Vdam’s eye is amazing work but also hard to improve or add as its such a dominating pic and if i scaled it down it would be too small…
but will try some concepts today

Ok guys Im Done…
Its pretty poor in comparison with you guys … :frowning:
I thought i was decent in photoshop but not great at all…
I also have no where to upload the pic
send me a PM if u wanna see it


PS im out of the battle also i cant compete but i will have enjoyment watching and learning from the battle !

Beddoes your out? So does that mean I use Vdam’s or do we keep Beddoes one entry in?