Anyone want to battle

Hmm i dont mind u might wanna use VDams as it like 9837429874 times better :smiley:

i sent u mine to ur email

ok, I will try to have serve 2 up tomorrow morning.

Vdam that last one was crazy. Really good job on it!


sorry chums, I had a last minute interview to prepare for so Serve 2 will be up tomorrow morning.


feelinā€™ a bit week tonight. oh well. Serve 2!


Works Cited
-mr.eā€™s entry
-vdamā€™s entry
-beddoeā€™s entry

could somebody send me beddoeā€™s image so i can put it on our battle page? yes, I have already made a page with our entries on it. Iā€™ll put his image on it, but note that he dropped out.

thanks. oh and iā€™ve got school today, so it might be a couple days before i come up with anything.

good day to all.

dude! earthword jim rules! i didnā€™t realize thatā€™s what that was! lol.