App (Android and IOS) development

The pros and cons of building a native app vs. not would require a dedicated article of its own, but here are two of the big ones:

  • Pro : Native apps are faster. They don’t have any unnecessary layers of abstraction, so that speeds things up and takes less memory.

  • Con : Native apps take more effort to build. You have to learn about each native platform’s quirks.

  • Mixed : Native apps give you programmatic access to more of the hardware capabilities like sensors, storage, and so on. Common hardware capabilities like camera, gps, microphone, and others will work even in non-native environments like the browser/web layer.

Also, for reference, this response in Web apps vs. React Native may be helpful as well: What are Progressive Web Apps (PWA)?

Regarding how to learn all of this, while I would be grateful for you to buy my books, all of the content in my books is available for free on this site provided you are OK with reading them through the browser. Just browse through the tutorials here for them:

Hope this helps!
