§§§§§§apple mac desktops§§§§§§

following on from the mac users thread, lets see some mac dektops!!!

here’s mine



Nice one man - the best controller ever!

i know man, its just like a glove! i saw this product for gamecube that allowed you to use a ps2 pad on it, im not sure there is a market for this!!!


I think the only benifit the ps2 controller has over the gamecube one is the shoulder buttons.

for a lot of games that use a ton of buttons, like sports games and such the 4 buttons up top are great, that’s about the only thing I can see that’s better.

I would still use the cube one over any other though… I love it

yeah Im a big fan of the gcube controller … the z button annoys me though. :-\ I think Id favor the 4 shoulder 2x2 setup like the ps like SureShot said

i suppose all pads have there strengths and weaknesses - yes the z button is in the wrong place! but the rest of the pad fits so nicely!! how come i start a thread and it allways turns to nintendo / videogames… lol
