is there only me on this forum who uses a mac???
is there only me on this forum who uses a mac???
I’m a wanna be Mac user. I gotta wait until this crappy Win machine dies. Anyone got a hammer???
i want a mac:*(
i switched before xmas - best thing i ever did. osx is great.
i got 15 ich powerbook, then, as usual a bigger, better product comes out…
oooooouuuu, 17inch powerbook, mmmmmmm
I used mac at school for 3 years in my program.
I would never ever go back to them. I hated the macs. Sure they looked nice and some nice features but you just cannot beat a PC - in my eyes anyway.
Again - this is just my opinion - I do not want to start a flame war runs for extinguisher
Switched last August here! It was a birthday present to myself… a new iMac. And just as you have experienced Mariofan… the 17" widescreen iMac came out mere days after my purchase. DOH!
Oh well, I’m still totally enamored with my iMac. I named it “The Brave Little Toaster.”
Mariofan: I knew there was something cool about you! And a powerbook… man am I jealous. The 17" PB is cool, but I think the 15" is more convenient for people on the go.
I love my G4! :love:
Hey… is it cool if we post our desktops here? I know I tried to do that in a previous “Post your desktop” thread and I got totally bashed. Here’s mine:
I’m w/ all the wishers…da mn I want that 17’ powerbook…mmmmm:+)
lol nice one
shall i post mine too?
i created it i love it and i disabled my desktop icons and it looks so cool
BTW ive got Linux on this box but if i play with flash i need to start win!
I must admit RenGirl - your desktop looks fantastic
I wish our interface was as nice as the one for mac…
RenaissanceGirl, MarioFan… Ohhh I want a Mac!
I am only 13, and can’t afford a Mac… ever!
nah, I will either save up for one, or my parents will get me one when I go to college! Ohhh geez! Long time to wait. (
ahh! I found one on E-BAY! Used time machine, only $200! YAY!
(click click click, type type type, “Mom, can I see your credit card?”, 3 days later, ahh ha! UPS man! 1 day after UPS man arrives, yep I got it, my very own Mac )
Been a user since the blue&white g3s came out.
The 17" powerbooks are way cool, but gimme a 23"flat panel w/ dual
processor g4 and we are talkin bizness.
Anxious to try out Jaguar soon, but really happy with OSX , Itunes&
Imovie are amazing!!!
Glad to hear we have some die hards here .
*Originally posted by SureShot *
I wish our interface was as nice as the one for mac… **
do you not know “our” interface options? They eclipse the mac 10-fold.
*Originally posted by ribcage *
**Anxious to try out Jaguar soon, but really happy with OSX **
each consecutive version of OSX is one which would make you hate to go back. Its still not perfect by any means, but Jaguar is nice and its moving along nicely and Im excited about the future of the OS. I still personally dislike the interfacing, So I stick to the PCs for the most part, but thats just me.
I think you’re wrong Sinocular. I’m not going to go into details here… I just don’t have the time to argue over the finer points of mac verse windows… but there are benefits to the mac interface that windows cannot touch. I’ll admit that there are things about windows that mac can’t touch as well… but 10 fold? I don’t think so. maybe 4 fold in some areas… but that’s all I’ll give ya.
Its a me !
<---- avatar size (hint hint)
good god, i spent so much time playing mario games its not even funny…
I used a mac for awhile. It’s just another PC, I don’t get all the fuss about it.
Once you work yourself into the small differences, of course it’ll seem better. (It was made with like, three year olds in mind.)
Personally, when I used a mac, I wouldn’t give it any points over a regular windows box. There’s nothing special. Win and OS both have all their features each can brag about. Whoop dee doo. The only thing I can tell there is different between them is that the mac processors obviously suck. (Oh, and the fact that Mac’s cost more than regular PC’s for the same hardware. That might be a factor.)
I don’t understand why maccers brag about their dual processors.
“Yeah dude, I got a dual processor G4.”
“Oh really? Isn’t that just two processors trying to pull off what my one is in my PC?”
Sorry, but IMO, once you get used to the differences, there are no differences. They’re just computers.
Ain’t GOOGLE grand … on the first link, scroll down to the people section and find “Bill Gates” (lastName alphabetical, firstName preceeds…)
…I rest my case…:bounce:
uh… yeah.
For every one mac user out there, there’s like, what… 100 win users?
I’m just taking a wild guess, but it’s probably an even larger gap.
…And for every RollsRoyce driver… there’s probably a hundred or much more chevy drivers - just a wild guess =)
…point is - the likes of Bill Gates, microsoft, IBM, etc., etc using the Mac is a fairly heftier validation for them as machines/OS’s than sheer numbers of users.
…I’m not bashing wintell boxes - I’m using one now - but I see that MACs have an outstanding reputation amongst real thinkers, …beyond that of the crowd that put stickers of that kid peeing on the other guys logo on their rear windows.
My preferred box is a MAC … but your right in one area - under the hood, it’s all just 1’s and 0’s…
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