Apple / Pepsi Ad Controversy?

Tell me what you guys think about this.

It’s very intriuiging… And

Does anyone know any huge law firms? I think this could become a great “forced defamation of character” case :smiley:

Here is the RIGHT link… SORRY GUYS! :smiley:

Great find Marz. I think it puts it all into perspectice. While they have a legit beef with pirates, their methods are despicable.

is tat the video? i know rengirl found one and then i saw it an blogged on it. i cant look now because i am at school, but there was a lot of contraversy over what words they used and how they used them. good stuff.

Yeah… If I was one of the kids… I’d try to find a law firm out there who would support me and try to press the issue…

These kids weren’t “prosecuted” and their character is thrown on the commercials… And they have to LIVE with that now… That’s BULL****!

yeah i agree with you marz. but these kids cant afford what they have to give to the RIAA, thats why they didnt fight them, so by doing this ad, it helps them to pay for it. And it looks like right now the short term is what they wanted. And i mean, are we REALLY going to remember this next year? or the year after that? I dont think so. But it is a good point you are making.

Hey, I’d be in that ad, do you know how much those kids probably got paid?

anyone know who sings that song in the background? “I fought the law and the law won…”

Thanks Marz this was a great find, and I totally agree with you on your points.

Yeldarb I think its by offspring

Greenday. its a new single, i just bought it lol. well won it…

The song is by The Clash originally, although the version in the video sounds like a cover by a modern pop-punk outfit, greenday or offspring?

[edit]beaten to it[/edit]

very disturbing stuff - but if they were well paid, eh

and screw the RIAA, dam_n thugs :bad:

and btw:
“I fought the law” by the crickets, 1959/1960 …

here’s a page w/ the “original” info for that song:

reland, but in the commercial it was the greenday cover…lol

Ai - I saw the commercial, but I do have one question though. Aren’t the kids there by choice? Or where they forced to incriminate themselves?

thanks to the wonders of the net, I stand corrected. (clash version was better though :wink: )

Kirupa, they are there by choice, but they had already been caught and settled out of court. and they are getting tunes legally from iTunes, so they’re not incriminating themselves of anything.

Kirupa: looking at it again, I believe they are ‘plugging’ itunes for pay (who else to promote the legal and safe way other than the ones that were caught) not as some punishment.

mdipi: I realise this , I was just clearing the air about the “who did it originally” part :slight_smile:

Lego: have you even heard the earlier version(s) ? :wink:

Well… here are two things I think…

  1. Either they were forced into doing this by when they signed the contracts for the whole entire RIAA lawsuit scheme.

  2. If they did get paid… Who really got paid? The kid? Doubtful… Look how old those kids are… I’m pretty sure the ones under 18, the parents probably got the money… And… On top of that… When they did get the money… Did they have to pay royalties to the RIAA themselves for being caught in the act?

These are two things that struck me first about the movie… Which intrigued me to post on here and gather you guys’ thoughts. Because if it was either of the two factors above, I would be pretty upset with the RIAA / Apple / Pepsi…

For some odd reason, I don’t know about any of you guys… But I value my character… I wouldn’t want my humiliations to be broadcasted over a commercial, during the SUPERBOWL of all programs. They could give me $50,000 royalties for doing the commercial… But I value my character… Do you know how hard those kids probably get ridiculed now? Their public image and face were probably shattered… :frowning: That is something that money can’t buy.

no i touldnt be marz, they are probably congratulated by their friends for being on tv during the superbowl. they are “rebels”, they stand out. almost all kids download music so it’s not like they’re going to be made fun of by their peers for doing it.

*Originally posted by Yeldarb *
**no i touldnt be marz, they are probably congratulated by their friends for being on tv during the superbowl. they are “rebels”, they stand out. almost all kids download music so it’s not like they’re going to be made fun of by their peers for doing it. **

That’s by their peers… Peers understand this kind of stuff because we typically are involved in it…

I’m tlaking about respect from your elders… Which can be a great benefit when getting a job… “Hey aren’t you the kid that stole…” “Sorry I can’t allow you to be an employee here, we already know you steal…”

And rememeber… There are alot of hipocrits out there… They will say that just to be an ***.

there will also be people who may hire them because of this. “Whoa! Aren’t you that kid from the superbowl ad?!”